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Coke's Super Bowl ad mocked: Klingon, Dothraki addedCoke’s surprisingly controversial Super Bowl ad e minor pentatonic scale notes

【e minor pentatonic scale notes】Coke's Super Bowl ad mocked: Klingon, Dothraki added

Coke's Super Bowl ad mocked: Klingon,e minor pentatonic scale notes Dothraki added

Coke’s surprisingly controversial Super Bowl ad now has a hilarious parody. The

【e minor pentatonic scale notes】Coke's Super Bowl ad mocked: Klingon, Dothraki added

original Sunday ad

【e minor pentatonic scale notes】Coke's Super Bowl ad mocked: Klingon, Dothraki added

that prompted an uproar among some viewers on social media featured shots of diverse families while “America the Beautiful” was sun in various languages from around the globe. This spoof by comedy troupe Garlic Jackson changes things a bit.

【e minor pentatonic scale notes】Coke's Super Bowl ad mocked: Klingon, Dothraki added

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